Sunday, December 02, 2018

Guest Posts Now In Demand

I'm currently looking for featured bloggers to guest post on my blog. Soon, I will open a page with all of this information, along with anything else I feel is needed.

Types of guest posts I'm looking for:

  • Reviews
  • Organization
  • Study tips
  • Healthy dorm foods
  • College advice
However, I am open to many other ideas!

Submission form:

Blog(s) you write for:
Post Title:
Actual Post:

If you are interested in guest blogging for me, please email me at so that we can further discuss your post and when I would like it done by. 

Disclaimer: I will not store or use your email after your post is published. However, if you wish for me to leave you in my contacts because you have questions or want to post another time, just let me know.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Long Time, No See

Hey guys, I'm actually back! I'm sorry for not updating consistently. I was literally writing drafts and just never got around to posting any of them, so now I have to go back and rewrite a bunch of them. This semester has been a lot of getting used to: being 2 hours away from home, having independence, no real rules, etc. I love it here down in Huntsville and I really do love what I'm doing, but it's just been a lot of changes. I pushed blogging to the side so that I could focus on myself and school for a bit, which seems to have been a good move.

I'm sitting in the middle of finals week right now, which so far has not been as bad as people have said. Then again, I'm not really in any hard classes and I've been studying for the only final I've been worried about. I definitely think it all comes down to preparedness and taking care of yourself, because everyone I know who is hardcore struggling isn't taking care of themselves: no sleep, eating junk, a little too much alcohol. I'll make a how to survive finals post later, once I go home for Christmas. I know I'll still be ahead of the curve there since most of my friends have two to three weeks and I have less than a week remaining.

This semester has flown by, and I can't believe I'm creeping close to being 1/4 of the way through my time here at UAH.

Some general life updates:

  • I went to Live on the Green for labor day weekend, saw 5SOS (again!) back in Nashville, and also saw Ed Sheeran after begging for tickets for 7 years. The best artists from LOTG this year were Larkin Poe, Mikky Ekko, and X Ambassadors. (I got sick before Jimmy Eat World so I was super sad I missed them, but it also meant I got more sleep, which was probably a good thing.) Ed and 5SOS are amazing, and I'd definitely see both of them again. 
  • I've had a lot of romantic ups and downs, but out of respect to them, I won't be posting much about that. You can always privately ask if you need any romantic advice though!
  • Even when you're sitting on a pretty scholarship, college is expensive, especially when you have health issues that make your $1600 meal plan useless so you have to constantly cook. I'll probably make a post about this as well, but that's definitely for another time later.
  • I deleted my {public} instagram in order to be able to focus on other forms of social media. If you'd like to keep up with me, I recommend using tumblr or pinterest. I do have a private instagram, so please message me on one of my other forms of social media for access.
Stay tuned for more posts, since the semester is almost over and I have more time to focus on writing!