Saturday, January 01, 2022

22 Goals for 2022


Hi y'all! During this holiday season, I've been reflecting on my past year and what I'd like to accomplish in this coming year. I've created 22 goals (or resolutions. Take your pick) for this next year.

Without further ado,

1. Start my clothing business

I've been hard at work behind the scenes working on my online storefront, as well as my Instagram account for the business. I can't wait to get the clothing in my hands and ready to be sent out to my customers!

2. Get to the root of my health issues

This is something I've kept quiet on the blog, but I've been having issues with chronic fatigue, elevated heart rate, and low blood pressure for years. Although I've consistently come up with a clean bill of health, my symptoms have gotten steadily worse since giving birth. I'm hoping to finally be able to get some answers this year.

3. Get 1,000 hours outside

Although I can easily get this from my job, I will be counting my hours outside where I can rest, relax, or explore, since watching a bunch of teens outside isn't always the most restful time.

4. Weekly Confession

5. Attend daily Mass at least once a month

6. Increase my GPA to a 3.6 overall

7. Establish my personal decorating style

Now that my husband and I are finally moving out of an apartment and into a hopefully smaller house this summer, I need to be pinpointing and defining the way I want my home to look and feel. This is to cut down not only on the clutter, but also to make the house feel more cohesive as a whole.

8. Create a standardized shopping list

Between food allergies and the supply chain issues, having a standardized shopping list will make grocery shopping more efficient and hopefully can cut costs, since there is less worrying about if something is needed or not.

9. Create a more effective budget

10. Finish compiling my recipe book

11. Slowly declutter everything

This applies to things I own, my schedule, and any digital files. This is obviously a year long goal.

12. Transition my closet more to my style

13. Organize and file important papers in a more usable way

14. Learn at least 5 new recipes

15. Finish my to-read stack

16. Improve my Spanish

17. Improve my French

18. Learn 6 new signs in ASL

19. Finally take the donation piles to Goodwill

20. Read the Bible in a year

21. Pray a daily Rosary

22. Live more sustainably

That's all of it. Small things to do each day that will make a big impact by the end of the year.

What are your goals for this year?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

60 Tips for College

Move in Day Tips

1. Organize and pack by location/zone then category

This is how I packed all four years and it made unpacking so much easier for me than my friends. To pack by location/zone means to pack bathroom items in one bin, bedroom in another, kitchen, desk/school supplies, closet, and cleaning. If you have other items, such as athletic equipment, that would be its own zone. Categories within the zones means making sure all silverware, bowls, and plates are together, all writing utensils are together, and so on.

2. Pack car in reverse order, if possible

I only did this for my first three years, but that's because this year, I accidentally left some of my containers in the storage unit. You want to pack whatever comes into the dorm last first. What I did was pack cleaning, bedding, and clothing in my mom's car, since she would be leaving after lunch. My car had kitchen, bathroom, school supplies, and decor. Decor and school supplies were packed first, since they were not necessary for night one or even two. I did get everything into my room the first night, but it never hurts to be prepared.

3. Make a rough plan before you head to campus

Like I explained for tip 2, my mom and I for my first two years created the plan of unload her car then mine. While I'm unloading my car, she cleans the room, then we loft the bed and rearrange the furniture. After that, I put away clothes while she put the cleaning supplies away and moves the containers into the proper rooms. This can be adapted to each individual situation. 

4. Keep an extra trash bag handy

Pretty self explanatory. You really just never know if you'll need it, or if one of your suitemates will.

5. Bring a water filter and fill it up as soon as you can

I didn't learn this until this year, which is really embarrassing. I really do recommend not only having a water bottle for each person, but having easily accessible cold water for the inevitable empty bottle crisis about halfway through lofting the bed (freshman year). This year, I brought my Brita filter in with the first round of containers, filled it halfway before I walked out the door, then put it in the fridge until everything came inside.

6. Same with a fan or two

Although my AC worked really well this year, one of my friends did not have a working AC unit. In case you have this problem, make sure to always have a fan or two ready to plug in, just in case. It also helps to circulate the likely stale air, unless your room was used over the summer (as was the case my freshman, sophomore, and senior years).

Class Tips

7. Make an assignment list

I got the idea from Organized Charm back in high school. It didn't work as well then because my syllabi did not have homework dates on them, but man did this work well in college. I made mine in Google sheets so I can update due dates as things change. I have a heading for each month, a column for due date, a column for class, and two columns merged together for each assignment title. I put readings, papers, exams, finals, midterms, no class days, and school breaks in there. As I finish assignments, I will fill the cells with blue so I can visually see what I have finished. One of my suitemates freshman year made hers in Microsoft OneNote and deleted each assignment she did. I prefered the ability to see my progress of the semester.

8. Keep some kind of planner

Online, paper, or a mix of both, whatever floats your boat, just make sure you have a way to keep track of due dates, appointments, concerts, vacations, and anything else you find important (birthdays, anniversary, homecoming etc).

9. Block out some form of study time throughout the week

Study time can mean whatever it needs to mean for you to succeed in the class. For me, sometimes it just meant doing the homework and reviewing notes before a test. Other times (*cough* o chem), it meant going to tutoring sessions, watching extra videos, re-watching the lectures, rereading the textbook, and trying extra practice problems. The only two semesters I did not make dean's or president's list, I either was heavily pregnant and therefore struggled with attending a class or did not take enough GPA hours because of pass/fail due to COVID (but I still made scholar's list both times).

10. Pack backpack the night before

This definitely helped me when I had early morning classes or classes close together in time. By packing my bag for the chunks of time I had to be away, I was able to spend more time getting ready for class, eating, or whatever else that was important.

11. Keep all items for each class together

This mainly applies for storage in the dorm. I kept textbooks, notebooks, and folders organized by class days, then by class. This meant all my Monday/Wednesday classes were together and all my Tuesday/Thursday classes were together. It definitely minimized having to search for my notes or important paper or assigned reading.

12. Keep syllabus with the items you take to class

For lab classes, I kept the syllabus in the folder I used to hold prelabs and postlabs. For other classes, I used a folder color coded to match my notebook.

13. Draft a weekly to-do list

For me, my weekly to-do list was more mental than anything, although I did include important dates in my planner. It was a list of chores, classes, homework, studying, and extracurriculars for the week. It helped me to figure out what had to be done first, what could only be done certain days, and what was okay if it took a bit longer to finish.

14. Invest in cloud storage, external hard drive, usb flash drive, or all of the above

Backup your files. That's it. That's the advice.

15. Find out where your classes are before the first day

Because of COVID, it seems like half to three quarters of the people at college are basically on campus for the first time. This means even if you're not a freshman, you should probably double check class locations and where they are before the first day of classes. You don't want to walk into the wrong class!

Money Tips

16. Make a budget ASAP

Seriously, especially if you're paying for your own education, this will save you so much headache and stress.

17. Create spending log, even before you leave for college

Sometimes, we're surprised by our own spending. By figuring out which purchases are just for college items, which are for subscriptions, and which are for consumables (groceries, toiletries, pens, etc), you can more easily make your budget.


18. Always assume you don't have the right type or amount of storage

Dorm room are weird in the sense that your freshman year, you're going to bring all the wrong storage or not enough of some type or too much of another. Expect to have to run to the store at least once because of this.

19. Take advantage of the vertical space

Vertical space was a lifesaver my first two years. Freshman year, I put my swim bag and suitcase above my armoire to avoid having lots of items on the floor. I also lofted my bed so I could store my bookcase, dresser, and laundry basket under my bed. This meant the only things on my floor were my desk, backpack, and two drawer carts, one of which was my nightstand of sorts. I noticed the difference just a small amount of vertical space makes when I went from the armoire to a closet sophomore year despite putting more under the bed.

20. Prioritize functional decor over everything else

Dorms are small. Unless it's going on a wall, it needs a purpose. Functional decor takes care of the aesthetic while still making sure you have storage or organization available to you. You don't want to be the room with lots of decor, but stuff is overflowing because there's no storage anywhere.

21. Command hooks are everything

I used them to hang my keys, my hats, my veils, my rosary, my photo line, my used towel. You name it, I probably used a command hook for it. We even used it for our kitchen trash bag my freshman and sophomore years. When I moved to an on-campus apartment my junior year, I did move to a full size trash can instead of a command hook holding the bag.

22. Don't be afraid to organize your organizers

Organize the drawers, especially in your desk. Even though there may already be dividers in the drawer, don't be afraid to use smaller dividers as needed. Sometimes, the most basic storage just isn't enough.

23. Felt hangers are the superior kind

Wire hangers have a tendency to bend. Thin plastic hangers break easily. The good plastic hangers are extremely thick and unless you have a heavy coat or pants to hang, they take up far more space than is necessary. I fit more felt hangers in my armoire than my suitemate who only brought the good plastic ones.

24. Create a cleaning caddy

Even if you don't bring the caddy to the bathroom or kitchen to clean, it definitely helps just to have all the cleaning tools together. It's especially helpful during semester move out when everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to pack and clean.

25. Use an organization system that works for you, not some random blogger

The best organization system is the one you're going to use. Although gathering inspiration from Pinterest, Instagram, or Buzzfeed isn't a bad thing, some people get so caught up in imitating an aesthetic that they forget an organization system is meant to be functional. Please don't be one of those people. Your dorm is small enough. It does not need to be made worse by bad systems leading to nothing being stored properly.

26. Create a chore chart for inspection/move out/breaks

By splitting the work, it makes cleaning a whole lot easier. It also means that when things go wrong, there is one person at fault, instead of all four people being blamed (Freshman year, I had a suitemate who cried when we said she had to help clean for move out. Shout out to the chore chart for holding her accountable to our RA and RD. Needless to say, we did not room with her sophomore year or any year thereafter.)

27. Get rid of any clutter BEFORE college

You obviously don't want to pay the money or time to move it to college. You don't want to come home to it either. Just chuck it. It also makes moving out during/after college much easier as well. My parents unexpectedly moved at the very end of my freshman year of college, so using this philosophy definitely made my parents' lives easier. My stuff was already pared down and boxed up, so all they had to do was move it to the new house. It was the same philosophy when I moved out and got married. The less stuff to deal with, the better.

28. Make sure your clothes are things you'd actually wear

Space is a precious commodity here at college. Every item needs a purpose, and clothes you don't wear just take up valuable space. Although I had enough drawer space, it felt like hanging space could be hard to find, especially in the winter when everything is heavy or bulky. This also goes back to the previous point: if you don't want to pay the money or time to move it, don't bother with it!

29. Similar vein, create a capsule wardrobe

See tip 28. Also, don't buy clothes just because they're on trend. You'll wear them once, then toss them because it's not your vibe. Not to mention, your style is likely to evolve over the course of your 4+ years as well. Having the basics always there makes life a lot easier.

30. Keep your room clean, or study somewhere tidy

Clutter is known to increase stress. Studying is already stressful. Don't overstimulate yourself with messes. If you don't think you can stay ahead of the mess, I recommend studying somewhere that is not your room that you only have to clean when you leave. That's not to mention that keeping your room clean lessens the likelihood of bugs and rodents.

Time management

31. Organize by priority

I assign each thing in my life a priority level. For me, Sunday Mass and Saturday Confession are the two must-dos. After that comes classes/labs/research, then appointments. Social time and workouts change priority based on how I'm doing mentally. Clubs are honestly my lowest priority after I work the welcome events- my health and grades always come first.

32. Give yourself a rest day (and mini breaks during the day)

For me, Sunday is a rest day. The only thing I do is go to Mass, pack for Monday, and if needed, finish any assignments. I like to do what I've heard referred to as "mini Sabbaths" throughout the week where I just have a built in rest time. It works great with a toddler. She gets a nap, I get to lie down. It's a win-win, really. It was also great when all I was doing was schoolwork. It's a chance to relax, destress, and refocus so you don't go through burnout like many, many other students.

33. Time blocking is a blessing

It sounds weird, but if you set aside specific times to do tasks, it helps with productivity, especially if it's timed to your natural rhythm. A good example is I set aside an hour for lunch each day. I usually only take 30 minutes, but if I'm running behind or if the line is slow, at least I have buffer time. It also means for the days I'm completing a "boring" task, I have an end time in sight. By having an end time, I'm able to focus on getting things done because I know I can stop at a certain point. I'm actually often finished before my time block is up!

34. Set time limits for distracting apps

It's easy, especially when overwhelmed, to ignore responsibilities via distractions. Although sometimes these distractions are other things that must be done, but not right now, it's oftentimes games, Netflix, Disney+, or social media. Social media especially is a distraction because it's designed to create an endless scroll. However, what makes an app distracting is dependent on the individual.

35. Get a routine, but deviation is normal

By having a routine, you are able to get things done without worry about what regularly scheduled things you're forgetting. By expecting to not follow your routine to a T, you learn to adapt and adjust, which is a good chunk of what college is anyway.


40. Create a list of staples to keep in stock

There's always going to be a list of foods that you eat close enough to every day that you want to always have on hand. For me, this was almond milk, butter, granola bars, rice, cereal, pasta, and frozen veggies. I have friends who only kept things like goldfish, chex mix, and poptarts on hand. It really depends on the person, but you want to always have something ready, just in case. On-campus food may be closed, you might not have enough time to stop by the cafeteria, or there just may be another in the 100s of reasons as to why you have to make your own food for a meal.

41. Meal "plan" each week

This goes back to tip 40. If you know you're going to be cutting it close between classes for a meal one day a week, plan a meal you can either prepare quickly the morning of, or can make and reheat. (Not going to lie though, there was more than once where I ate cold leftovers. I'd love to do a poll to see how my followers feel about cold vs reheated leftovers.)

42. Keep track of expiration dates

I say this one from personal experience. I threw out way more food than I should have, simply because I did not watch my expiration dates. I do not recommend this at all. It's money down the drain, as well as terrible for the environment.

43. Cafeteria food is not what it's cracked up to be

Another self explanatory tip. The only time we enjoyed food from the cafe was sushi night, when they bring in sushi chefs just for dinner. People, especially from the admissions department, will tell you "it's all you can eat! It's a variety! A, b, and c are so good!" but neglect to mention that "so good" is relative to high school cafeteria food.


44. Block out time for your mental health, especially as finals approach

I had several friends who did not take care of their mental health. It was not pretty to watch. I've had anxiety for most of my life, and PMDD for over 10 years now. I learned a long time ago that mental health is just as important as physical health. If you neglect it for too long, it WILL come back to bite you. Not to mention, taking a much needed break is definitely good for your study habits too!

45. Make sure to take care of physical health too

I feel like this goes without saying, but neglecting your physical health is a bad idea. Just because you're 18 and can survive on junk food doesn't mean you should. You only get one body, and you deserve to take care of it, simply because you exist. It doesn't have to be much, but doing some form of physical activity and eating for your health needs is really all you have to do. Get some fresh air, and I recommend taking vitamins C and D in the winter. It helps your immune system, and most women are deficient.

Go see the student health clinic or your own provider if something is wrong. That's what they're there for. It's not bad to take advantage of a service you're entitled to. 

46. And social health

Neglecting any area of your health is a bad thing. Don't ignore your social life for the sake of graduating early or a perfect 4.0 just to say you did it. (Also you can easily have a 4.0 and a social life. They're not mutually exclusive.)

47. The freshman 15 is not a bad thing

I don't know anyone who didn't gain at least 10 pounds freshman year. It's also not a bad thing. I gained 20 pounds freshman year alone. As long as you're taking care of yourself, those extra few pounds really make no difference.

48. Disordered eating is extremely glorified

Don't skip meals just so you have "earn" that extra drink on game day. Actually, don't skip meals in general, unless you have to for a fasting blood test or surgery. People are going to constantly talk about losing weight, skipping meals, counting calories, new diet, and a million other forms of diet culture. Don't buy into it. I bought into it in high school, and spent nearly all of college trying to undo it. The effects can be lifelong, even if you do finally get a healthy relationship with food and the scale.

49. So is alcoholism

I love White Claws and fruity mixed drinks. My husband can tell you that, my friends could tell you that, and my in-laws could tell you that. However, when alcohol goes from a social activity to a coping mechanism, that's when a problem's risen to the surface. A lot of people will make jokes about it, about blacking out frequently, and even about needing multiple drinks a night to even fall asleep. It causes the problem to bubble under the surface, convinces young adults they're too young to be alcoholic, or even that it's not a problem. It can be a problem, even if you're functioning just fine otherwise.

50. Don't have casual sex just because you're lonely, wanting attention/affection/etc

Other people aren't meant to fulfill your emotions that you're struggling to process. They also can't. My friends who had casual sex to hide their real feelings also got into some questionable relationships because they subliminally expected the other person to fulfill them in ways other people literally cannot. Stick to whatever your convictions may be, but people are not coping mechanisms.


51. Your first friends at college probably won't last

Some people in your life are meant to be temporary. That's okay. Enjoy them while they're your friends, let it hurt when they go. Everyone has been there. Keep in mind though, that some friendships will probably last a lifetime. One of my first friends was my maid of honor. Another I have not seen since sophomore year, long before covid.

52. Same goes for relationships

A lot of people in college have different ideas about relationships, exclusivity, and a million other aspects of dating that exist. This means that most relationships don't last simply because of different expectations. My husband and I started dating when I was a freshman, but he was not the only person I dated freshman year. Different expectations about what dating means as well as communication issues were the biggest factors in the other breakups. So again, as much as it hurts, it is common, so you will find someone else who gets it. Stay in with your friends, eat ice cream until you feel overstuffed, or you can go out. As long as you remember that this one relationship did not determine your worth, you will eventually make it through.

53. Make sure to do something new at least once a semester

Even if it just means going to a new restaurant, doing something different is just a nice break from the normal. It helped me learn about more things in my city, which is funny, because one my high school classmates said there was nothing to do here. That's definitely not true because after three years here, I definitely have done all kinds of things that he said were not in the area. It may take some digging, but you can find all kinds of things to do within a reasonable driving distance of most colleges.

54. Join a club that interests you just because it's interesting

Although you should always try to join clubs that you'll be an active participant in, it never hurts to join one just because it sounds fun. I actually encourage my younger friends and mentees to do it at least freshman year because you might find a new passion, or at the very least, make a new friend or two.

55. Create a semester goal

My semester goal is usually GPA related, but that's because my scholarship is dependent on GPA. I've got friends who make their goal make dinner x times a month, save y dollars, or pay off last semester's student loan. The possibilities really are endless here, y'all.

56. Networking is key, y'all

I don't know if it's just the industries my friends and I work in, but for us, it's far more about who you know than what you know. Obviously, you cannot go in completely unknowledgeable, but between two candidates with similar resumes, the one with the connection is either more likely to get the job or gets sped through the hiring process. I learned the hard way that this starts as early as freshman year, even if you don't plan on working until junior or senior year.

57. Create a graduation plan with your advisor

This is always done at every advising appointment at my university, but I know not all colleges do things this way. I highly recommend asking which classes can be taken at different times as well, because you will go through seasons where you might need to take a lighter course load, but you still want to graduate in 4 years. Your advisor will also know all kinds of things about the school that you might not otherwise hear. Trust them to give you the inside scoop, so to speak.

58. Don't be afraid to change your major

Not everyone will change their major, but enough of us do, sometimes more than once, that no one really questions it. Do what you need to do for your mental health, finances, or family circumstances.

59. You really don't have to pull all-nighters

I feel like I never heard this one anywhere, but it's true. I pulled exactly one all nighter in college, and it wasn't for studying. My friends and I had stayed up drinking and watching the Sean Connery James Bond movies until 4 am. Studies show that sleep matters more than studying those extra hours, not to mention, by the night before, you either know it or you don't.

60. College has changed since our parents' days, so listen to their advice, but take it with a grain of salt too

Although your parents probably have good advice about college, a lot has changed since they went. Hell, a lot has changed since my freshman year. It feels like advice gets outdated quickly, so don't be afraid if you don't think their advice fits your situation. On the flip side, don't discount their advice just because they're old. There's often some gems in there.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

10 Things to Do Before a New Semester (COVID style!)

           With coronavirus impacting school this past semester, my list of 10 things you should do before starting a new semester will be a bit different than it otherwise would have been.

  1. Check to see what policies from your school have changed or been added.
        Although this is definitely one that's on the list because of COVID-19, it's always worth a look every semester. It'll help you when housing contracts change, code of conducts add sections, or certain floors of buildings are now off-limits.

   2. Double check to ensure your classes did not get moved to new locations or online.
        I don't receive emails if my classes move online or change rooms unless the professor decides to let us know. I have to constantly check my schedule up until the class starts just to be safe. This spring, I had a class switch rooms (although it worked in my favor!) while I was in my class right before on the first day. It was not a good time to see that notification, that's for sure.

    3. Clean out your backpack, purse, gym bag, the list goes on.
        This one is likely self explanatory, but I'm going to include it anyway. You likely have all new classes (unless you're taking a series or in high school), so you probably won't need much of what was in your bag from last semester. It allows you to take stock of the school supplies you have versus what you need, as well as the chance to lighten the load on your back from taking out all the trash and unnecessary items. I also like to do the same to my purse and workout bags just to be certain I have all the trash removed, and in the case of my workout bags, all the proper equipment, as well as extra clothes.

    4. Clean your car and do any maintenance.
        Yet another self-explanatory thing to do, but having a clean car really does put me in a better mood. I feel more productive and put together when there's no more dog fur littering the backseat or my brothers' water bottles stuck under my seats. I live in the South, so I use this time to remove the layers of pollen that get stuck to the car exterior despite the fact that it rains basically every day in the summer AND most days in the winter.
        I also do car maintenance right before a new semester so I never have to worry about when the last oil change/tire rotation/tire replacement was. When your car runs smoothly, your life runs smoothly (or at least you're slightly less miserable).

    5. Check canvas for any syllabi or notices.
        This is the easiest way to see if you actually need the textbook or access code that's "required" for that gen-ed. I've never had a class that asked for the access code and didn't use it, however, I have friends at other schools who have been in that scenario. It also allows for the nice surprise of finding out that the class you're dreading won't meet the first week or that there's an extra credit opportunity every day for the class you HAVE to get an A in to save your GPA.

    6. Clean your room/dorm.
        Obviously, this applies more to winter break than summer break, but it's still a nice thing to do. For me, cleaning is extremely relaxing and helps to lower my anxiety, so I always try to purge and clean my room at home every semester break. (I clean my dorm before I leave for any break.)

    7. Buy your school supplies, textbooks, and any food you want for the first couple of weeks.

    8. Make a rough study plan.
        You may not follow this once you get started, but especially when you have other obligations on top of school work, it gives you a good idea of what times you DON'T have available to study or work on projects, which sometimes is more useful than knowing when you can.

    9. Check your scholarship requirements.
        Especially when on an academic scholarship, you should always, always, always check to make sure you're meeting the requirements every semester. For example, this semester I have to submit an extra form to keep my scholarship and extremely small loan, despite meeting the academic standards.

    10. Have fun!
        Seriously, enjoy the last bit of freedom you have before a new semester. The weekend before a semester starts, my friends and I always get together to cook and party. It's a good way to see the people you may not have seen for several weeks, as well as get some quality time with your friends before school. I study chemistry at an engineering school. Syllabus week doesn't exist- we hit the ground running- so it's a nice break from the books we're otherwise constantly staring at. Because we attend school in Alabama, we don't have a lot of social distancing restrictions, so it's looking like we'll be doing it again this fall.

Well, here you go! There's my list of the 10 things you should do before a new semester, COVID-19 style.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Long-Awaited Update

Hey everyone,

I know it's been awhile. Between coronavirus and the craziness from that, there was also the potential of my parents moving. I've been juggling school, decluttering, packing, and making sure I'm set for the fall over these past 5 weeks.

General Declutter Update:

My parents brought in my stuff out of the storage unit and I managed to go from 5 containers down to 1. My mom has a good bit of stuff in a second. When things 
have been in storage for 10 years, at least most everything is either trash or donations. I did keep the craft supplies that work BEAUTIFULLY, almost all of the books, all the CDs, and my trophies. Unfortunately, as my school stuff got brought home, it went pretty much straight to storage, so I don't have a good metric for how much stuff I currently own. I'm hoping to reasonably get all of my non-school/clothing related items down to 3 containers of the same size. It might take until the end of the summer, if not winter break, but I'm very proud of the progress I've made.

As of writing this post, I'm on my 5th bag of donations and 2nd trash bag. It's very likely I'll be starting donation bag #6 within a couple of days. With how many times I've moved in the past 6 years, most of my accumulated stuff was not located in the house (and that which was in the house was seasonal, so that also got moved to storage).

College inspired a MAJOR downsize for me, but that did cause me to get more kitchen stuff, since I was on my own. Moving again from an on campus apartment to another off campus once I graduate won't make it any easier. I just don't want to pay for someone to have to move my stuff and, possibly even more important, I don't want to have to move stuff for no reason if I do it entirely on my own, like I do into and out of my dorms. 
I have a bit of an odd goal, but if my man can get everything he owns to fit in two footlockers, I can reasonably use 3 
containers, a suitcase, and whatever on earth my school stuff needs to fit in. (STEM has me needing lots of THICK notebooks and unfortunately large textbooks that I can't do without.)
5 moves in 6 years is a lot for the military, even more so for a civilian. That number doesn't even account for move in/move out of my dorm or from my temporary 
housing from last year's summer job. Seeing those numbers written down gives me a different perspective. Most people wind up collecting things over 5 years. It seems to me I'm always winding up with less every 5 years. I'm hesitant to call it minimalism- I'm anti consumerism, sure, and definitely think everything should have a purpose (which can and should include beauty)- but minimalism is often an extreme. True authentic minimalism is what I'm going for, but there are more than enough gatekeepers within the movement to make that feel unattainable. I want to be able to live simply, to not have to worry about the unavoidable expense of moving, and to not feel bound by things. By holding onto my why, I'm hoping that decluttering this time around will go much smoother. 

School Update:

At the time of writing this, I still have one final remaining, however, by the time this is uploaded, my finals should be complete. I've been online since before spring break, over 6 weeks by the time this goes live. Luckily for me, labs were already mostly finished, so I just had to wrap up the reports I was already due to write, as well as write an introduction and abstract for the incomplete lab. My other classes have been interesting, to say the least. 

Biology lecture was more or less the same, just a shorter time block on zoom. Recitation only met once, and it was just to go over the assignment we were given. 

Linear algebra was done really well, in my opinion. My professor would record lectures for the week and release them on Monday. Our homework would be due on Fridays, and our third exam had two attempts. Our final only had one, sadly, but she provided ample bonus. This class had the most flexibility out of all of them, and I'm hoping I can take this professor again for my statistics courses.

Organic chemistry is a 300 level, so I'm not expecting too much give, but it took awhile for my professor to get the hang of things. I couldn't watch her videos because at first, I didn't have wifi (I did my homework by hotspot), and I had family obligations. This class barely changed from on campus to online, which, for a class like that, does not bode well. Luckily, our tests are open resource, but I still was unable to finish one of them. Oh well, at least it's over.

Quantitative analysis was an extremely fun class taught by a lovely professor. She kept things engaging and fun, and even though I KILLED my grade in the electrochemistry sections, I have to say it might have been my favorite class. It was definitely my favorite lab. This was another class with lots of bonus points, which helped me because my grade was on the line between two letters. Both would continue me on the path to my ACS degree, but the higher letter helps my GPA much more. It's extremely math heavy, but I honestly enjoyed the class and would recommend anyone thinking about chemistry to take it. It's far more real-world applications than anything else you'll take in undergrad.

General Life Update:

It's been almost 6 months since I've been engaged, yet it also feels like an eternity. Due to coronavirus, any plans we thought we had were upended and we were back at square one. Engagement pictures had to be rescheduled. We still don't have a new date yet. It'll be interesting to see how this all pans out, but I'm really not appreciating the extra stress!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Healthy, Allergy Friendly Groceries on a Budget

I've talked about this a few times, but never in much detail. With a soy allergy, eating on campus is an absolute NIGHTMARE. Most of the food that's safe for me to eat is not calorie dense, meaning I basically starved the entirety of freshman year before I really got the hang of the art of dorm room cooking. I spend $200-300 a semester on food outside of my meal plan, with the bulk of the cost coming from almond milk being bought basically weekly.

My secrets: Aldi, Neighborhood Walmart, Publix deals, and ibotta.

God's gift to broke college students. Seriously. I got my succulent (his name is George), as well as all of my bread and most of my almond milk from here. I don't go here for the bulk of my shopping, but I also do not overlook it, especially when I know what's safe for me to eat and what's cheaper here. Its proximity to campus is also fantastic.

Neighborhood Walmart
If you think People of Walmart is rough, y'all ain't ever been to a Neighborhood Walmart. As trashy as it can be, it's SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and involves less traffic on the drive, even though distance wise, the regular Walmart isn't much farther away. I get my gas, my canned goods, my fruits and veggies, pretty much everything, unless my fiancé's mama decides to buy me the fancy Target stuff (which does happen on occasion). I've gotten some really good deals on produce here for surprisingly better quality that what I've found at regular Walmart. The canned goods can be hit or miss. If they look funky, off I go to regular Walmart. I will do a lot of things, but using busted canned or boxed goods is not one of them.

Publix Deals
Apparently an unused fact among the Southern population: Publix deals will be honored even if you don't buy the quantity, unless otherwise stated. So if it's a buy one, get one free, you get one item half off. It's how I've been able to get good looking mangos for $1 even though technically it's buy 5 for $5. I also only buy my meat from here because I genuinely only trust Publix. It's low key a problem at this point.

If you don't know about ibotta, I want to know how little time you spend on the internet. My mom and I have both been using it since I've been in high school. It's a rebate program, where if you've added deals to your account, the money gets credited to your account. The stuff I tend to buy usually isn't on ibotta, but the 10-50 cents off any item, as well as the any brand cashback are LIFESAVERS. I've gotten $1 back on any brand of vitamins, pads, cereal, and almond milk before. Just make sure you're buying it from the right store who currently has that deal!

You can use my code neqxjej to get started earning and to start with a bonus.

I meal prep as well. I typically cook a meal a week and save the leftovers, which gives me between 3 and 5 dinners, not including the rice and pasta I eat, as well as frozen meals (I try to save these for lunch), and the ever popular breakfast for dinner. If you want my meal prep ideas, everything on my food board is either soy free or can easily be made that way. The college section you'll find here. It's primarily slow cooker meals, but others use a griddle, microwave, blender, or just simply a fridge.

For those of you going into college or are in college and have food allergies, don't worry, it IS possible to eat healthy, even if you feel like it's impossible on a shoestring budget.

Monday, November 25, 2019

30 Day Holiday Declutter Challenge

With the holidays coming up, that means it's time for finals and time for new things to be taking up space in a tiny dorm room. To try and minimize these effects, especially before I have to really buckle down and plan this wedding, I'm doing a mini 30 day challenge, starting today.

Rather than starting with a full blown "this amount has to be accomplished" plan, I'll instead be going through everything and deciding if it's worth paying for housing it in a storage unit over the summer or if I should just get rid of it. It's also giving me a chance to see what all doesn't need to be added to our registry either- because trust me, the initial list is long, even with both of us removing items. (To be fair, dish sets and pretty much any other kind of dinnerware are designed for the typical American family of 2 kids, but we also aren't going to assume we'll be that size family either. We do know that anytime we invite people over, we'll need at least 5 of each dining item, so no matter what, it's two sets of dishes and 2 sets of glasses.)

My system for this 30 day declutter spree is based off location:

1) dorm room- this is a big one, but will probably be one of the easiest. All of my stuff here is mostly organized and necessary to start. I have to go through my papers and my food, but other than that, there shouldn't be much to do.

2) mom's house- this one will take longer than the dorm, but like my dorm, I already have most of that purged and organized from my move last summer. I mostly just need to go through the items that got brought from the family storage unit because I am missing some things.

3) dad's house- this will be the hardest, I'm sure. Since I don't see my dad frequently (really, I see him maybe 3 or 4 times a year), the stuff I have there has piled up exponentially, even though I did a thorough purge the summer after graduation. This is where I want to focus my efforts, since I'm fairly certain I can use the furniture and decor from this room in my future house. I'm expecting to see the most bags leaving from this room.

There is a two-fold benefit to this: not only do I get to free up space, potentially making money, as well as mentally shift my preparations towards Christmas and the Sacrament of marriage, but I also get to help others by donating or selling items. Maybe others can get their Christmas presents from the items I have that are either new with tags or gently used. Maybe someone just genuinely needs what I have. Either way, this will be a good way to lose some of the focus I have on unnecessary material items.

My challenge to you, dear readers, is to do the same thing. How much will you be getting rid of to prepare for the holidays? It can even be digital clutter. I know that's where I tend to start. Let me know in the comments and on the updates!