Thursday, November 07, 2019


It's been a minute since the last time I've published a blog post. I'd like to apologize for the delay, while also sharing some very exciting news! I'm currently in the process of planning my wedding, so blogging has been and definitely will continue to be something I do as I can find the time.

I'm in the process of writing several posts, so hopefully there will be one auto published at least once a week for the next few months. Of course, there will also be "organic" posts, ones that aren't as queued, but still contain the same amount of effort.

First up on my list of posts is allergy friendly eating on a dorm room budget. After that, I think I'm going to stick with food recipes, especially with the holidays coming up, as well as a gift guide or two. Once the holiday season has wrapped, posts will either shift towards school or wedding planning.

It's a very exciting time, to say the least, but blogging around this adventure will be something that might take a hit. Hopefully, I'll be back again soon, this time with consistency.

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