Sunday, June 24, 2018

High School Reflections

Now that I'm over a month removed from graduation, I think it's a good time to reflect on my time in high school and how I think it'll affect me into college and beyond.

First and foremost, the people I met, my fellow alumni, the ones still in high school, the teachers, faculty, and staff are all amazing. One of the greatest benefits of a small school is how close you become to your teachers and your classmates and that was something I was looking forward to about going to UAH.

Secondly, although I spent a lot of time doing homework (definitely not studying though. I need to figure that part out before college...) I still found some clubs I enjoyed and I did them well. Swimming taught me perseverance and how to cope with failure, because I didn't really learn that through academics. Government club taught me how to find my voice, debate and discuss well, and how the legislature works better than my government class did. I really don't think you need to do everything, but my goodness, whatever you do, be passionate about it and give it your all.

I went to all but one high school dance, even when I had mono, and honestly, that's some of my best memories. I had a date to all of the casual ones and almost all of the upperclassman ones, and I honestly kind of enjoyed that more, but that's probably because my date was always my boyfriend. That makes a huge difference.

Overall, I really did enjoy high school and I can only hope college will be better!

--Edited to include photo--

Monday, June 11, 2018

Links I Love (06/11)

These are the 4 articles I've been loving this week.

1. Dear Future Husband, These are My Prayers for You...
These are the promises I make every day to my long term boyfriend. I want to be someone who is unafraid to admit that love takes work and effort

2. Womanly Wednesday a Guest Post on Being Too Smart to be a Stay-at-Home Mom
I think out of all the articles I've read, this is the one that hits the hardest. I've always consistently done well in school, but I don't feel strongly about "using my intelligence." I've always been told It's career first, but it's always been in my head that family is the most important thing.

3. Healthy Collegiate Grocery List
Although this does mostly apply to college students, I still think these tips apply to anyone who is looking to save money while still eating well, or is already strapped for cash but wants to eat better. The checklist at the end is not only visually appealing but also helpful.

4. Why It Matters That We're Marrying in a Church
This is one of those things that used to confuse me- why does it matter because God is everywhere? Spoken Bride is one of my favorite websites for religious help, and this article explained the why it's in a Church besides "Well, canon law says so."

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

An Open Letter on the Passing of Kate Spade

This is very short, but that's because this post is not about me. Instead, it's about hope and positivity in the wake of something as sad as Kate's death.

 content warning: discussion of depression and suicide 》

It's not much of a secret that Kate Spade is one of my favorite designers, not just my favorite for purses and wallets. And it's also not a secret that depression and suicide don't care if you're rich or poor, just starting out or making it big. You honestly can never know who is hurting just by looking, because appearances are deceiving.

My heart hurts for Kate, her family, her friends, her colleagues, and for everyone else who looked to her as a style icon. So dear reader, do not let her passing discourage you. Instead use it as motivation to keep living. Live to create what speaks to you because maybe you'll revolutionize the world.

All it takes is one person to stand up, to keep living even when sometimes that feels like too much to ask. Be the hope you wish everyone else could see in this messy, imperfect world. You never know. Maybe you could be that person.



If you or someone you know is suicidal, feel free to reach out to the national suicide hotline (US only) at 1-800-273-8255

Friday, June 01, 2018

June Goals

My goals for June aren't that different from my May goals. I'm still aiming for success here and with Arbonne.

Blog Goals:

  • Double my pageviews
  • Post twice a week
  • Post on social media at least once a week

Arbonne Goals:
  • 5+ clients
  • Sell at least 150 QV of product
  • Post at least once a day on social media

Spiritual Goals:
  • Pray more
  • Worry less
  • Give it all to God

Lifestyle Goals:
  • Finish buying clothes for college
  • Sell my clothes on poshmark
  • Finish buying for college
  • Take more photos
  • Budget better

Summer is the best time to work on yourself and just to enjoy life. Time to do that. Let me know in the comments what your goals for the month are!